Library Program - Glenallen School

The focus of the English/Library Program is to expose students to a wide range of literature, including picture story books in both written and spoken form, poetry, non-fiction books and stories containing activities and sensory related materials to explore. 

Students are exposed to and learn:

  • the purpose of texts, for both enjoyment and learning.
  • how to select and use texts/picture story books for their reading/enjoyment.
  • how to select and use texts for information purposes.

The development of students’ library skills may include:

  • sitting and attending while listening to a story.
  • recalling information from texts eg. character names, storyline.
  • responding and communicating ideas using their voices, communication books, eye gaze, symbols, signs, gestures and switches as appropriate.
  • learning about books eg. author, illustrator, theme, characters and content.
  • locating and selecting resources in the library eg. fiction / sensory boxes /DVDs etc.
  • participation in an activity related to the text.

Borrowing for shared reading at home is an integral part of the program and the students are encouraged to remember to bring their library bag each week and to select resources appropriate to their interest and level. Students can borrow from a range of resources such as picture story books, fiction / non-fiction books, sensory boxes, books with tapes/CD’s, videos or box sets of readers on a huge range of topics and interests.