Speech Pathology - Glenallen School

The Speech Pathology Department at Glenallen School has the equivalent of five full time Speech Pathologists and Speech Pathology Aide support.

The Speech Pathology Department has the expertise to provide for students with complex communication needs and is committed to developing and supporting Communication Accessible Communities.

Speech Pathologists are skilled in the areas of language, speech, voice, fluency, articulation, swallowing and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

The Speech Pathologists support students to access and explore the curriculum. Speech Pathologists are specialised in developing and using:

  • Symbol systems
  • Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) and other multi-level communication books
  • High tech AAC devices
  • Key Word Sign
  • Informal communication strategies (use of facial expression, body movements, vocalisations, eye gaze)
  • Intensive Interaction

Glenallen Speech Pathologists are expert in developing skills within a classroom environment; ensuring students have opportunities to communicate throughout the whole day.

The social and interactive nature of communication has a strong focus and is incorporated into all aspects of the student’s day.  This can involve ‘giving a talk’, shopping, planning a virtual business or interviewing a visitor, as well as learning to play, sharing and chatting with friends.

Our Speech Pathologists are accomplished in assessing students’ eating, drinking and saliva control skills as well as developing mealtime intervention protocols.  Each student has an individual mealtime program monitored by a Speech Pathologist.